"The community has attained an established character which is valued by its residents."
Page 2 – In summary, the policy approach of this plan reflects a presumption that the primary role of government in Wilmette is to efficiently deliver services to a residential and business base which will remain stable in size and composition, and to respond to externally developed proposals for change in such a way as to maintain the Villages stability and character.
The vision underlying this plan is no different from the vision shared by Village residents for many years. The vision was well stated in the Village first plan, prepared in 1922.
Many of the goals in the 1922 plan, as set forth below, remain valid today as current residents who share with their predecessors an affectionate interest in the Village, strive to keep the vision alive and well.
- Pleasing appearance of structure and streetscapes
- Preservation of small-town atmosphere
- Adequate open space
- Transportation improvement that limit intrusions into residential areas
- Adequate water supply
- Adequate sewer capacity
- Modern, efficient street lighting
- Preservation of trees
- Intergovernmental cooperation
Page 5 – Chapter 3 Land Use
The community has attained an established character which is valued by its residents.
Page 9 – Specific Policies for Development Areas
- Policy Three – Identify reuse alternatives when the present use is undesirable or expected to cease. Such alternatives should reflect the character of the surrounding area and community sentiment, and should result in acceptable levels of environmental, traffic, fiscal, and public support.
- Policy Six – Require submission on an overall plan for the development or redevelopment of properties involved with a rezoning request. The overall plan should demonstrate how such new development relates to the adjacent land uses and maintains the character of the community.
Page 11 – Polices for Housing
- Policy 7 – Allow the development of additional multi-family dwellings in the Village Center.
The Village Center is a logical location for multi-family dwellings because of its proximity to transportation, shops and services. The Village Center will also be bolstered by an increased residential population. Of course, any such development should not injure the property values and character of the area, nor should it result in an undesirable level of density.
Page 15 – Chapter Five – Commercial Areas
- Goal 1 – Vital, well maintained and attractive commercial areas
- Goal 4 – Attractive public property in commercial areas
- Goal 5 – Attractive design of private commercial areas
Page 17 – There is a small-town ambiance which is valued by the community and which should be maintained as part of any future development activities.
Page 18-19 – Village Center – Policies
7. Provide technical assistance and financial incentives for façade renovation and redevelopment.
8. Encourage merchants and owners to remodel Architecturally and visually incompatible structures.
Green Bay Road Corridor
There is little design continuity in the Green Bay corridor. Within the mix of architectural styles, many are non-descript or not in character with adjacent buildings.
Page 24 – General Commercial Polices
- Policy Five – Adopt an appearance code for commercial areas, enforceable upon the changing of a sign, exterior remodeling or new construction.
Adoption of an appearance code will be a major step for the Village Government. Appearance codes are often resented by property owners and present enforcement difficulties. However, they have been adopted in a number of communities and when administered carefully they can generate a noticeable improvement in the appearance of commercial areas. Based on the premise that Wilmette residents would like to view the commercial areas with pride (as, in fact, is the case with Plaza Del Lago) the adoption of an appearance code aimed at upgrading the appearance of the commercial areas is advocated in this plan.
Page 35 – Implementation
Appearance Code
A recurring theme within this plan is the maintenance of community character. Community character is strongly affected by the design of structures in the community. With this in mind, the Village should develop an appearance plan which will provide guidelines for the coordination of private redevelopment as well as for the selection of materials and fixtures for public improvements.