"Reactions to the studies revealed that many residents and landlords expressed deep concerns over factors such as aesthetics, height and density – factors that need to reinforce the small town feeling that is central to their happiness as village residents."
Page 6 - Reactions to the studies revealed that many residents and landlords expressed deep concerns over factors such as aesthetics, height and density – factors that need to reinforce the small town feeling that is central to their happiness as village residents.
Page 6 and 7 - The panel affirmed the Villages belief that any redevelopment in the Village Center needs to be undertaken as part of a cohesive plan. The panel also recognized, as did Village leadership, that the residents and business owners had seen a variety of studies and plans, but a lack of adoption and follow through. So, the panel was clear that a Master Plan did not mean starting from scratch. Rather a Master Plan was to be built on the existing research and define a direction that would guide the Village in all of its downtown development efforts going forward.
Because of the timing associated with large scale development, the Master Plan would perpetuate beyond current Village leadership term limits.
Page 8 – Many of the buildings in the Village Center stand as originally built in the early part of the 1900’s. The panel agreed that preserving those buildings as is would be instrumental in maintaining the small-town charm desired by the residents.
Page 9 - The development of the Master Plan should define parameters around redevelopment (height, density, architectural character) in advance of private development proposals.
The Master Plan should offer clear aesthetic and architectural design guidelines to property owners in the Village Center and West Village Center so that they know what would be desirable if they did decide to pursue redevelopment.
Page 17 – Regarding specific land uses, any development needs to be directed by the Master Plan and Design Guidelines.
Page 20 – The Village of Wilmette is a classic American town facing a classic small town challenge: how to respond to the financial challenges facing Village without the erosion of the community values that have rooted families in Wilmette for generations.