"...it has become increasingly important to consider how new development respects existing character."
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2011 Village Center Master Plan
- Focused vision for Wilmette’s Downtown.
- Identified catalytic projects and redevelopment sites, zoning changes to increase residential density, and recommended wayfinding/streetscape improvements.
- The overarching goal was to create a more vibrant hub for retail, dining, and entertainment that meets housing, employment and transportation needs of the community
in a way that maintains the historic, small-town character that is uniquely Wilmette.
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Community Character refers to features that help shape a place’s identity and the way residents experience the Village and their neighborhood. From architecture, design, and history, to environment, technology, people, and cultures. All these factors and more influence and contribute to community character.
Village Center Objectives
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Refer to existing conditions that are important to maintain: First and foremost, the purpose of a plan is to preserve community assets and essential positive qualities of the Village.
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Sense of Place
Sense of place is a critical piece of community character—how we describe and interact with a
place, what we value in it, our respect for the ecosystem and other people, and our attachment
to a place and desire to improve it. Many aspects of a community collectively define this sense
of place, such as experiences (do people know their neighbors and attend community events?),
physical elements (streets, sidewalks, parks, lighting, outdoor amenities, shops, public art,
distinctive architecture), and other networks or institutions (schools, the library, parks, chamber
of commerce, places of worship, and community groups). Sense of place may differ depending
on where you are, whether in a residential neighborhood or commercial district, or in downtown Wilmette versus along Green Bay Road.
“A sense of place is a unique collection of qualities and characteristics – visual, cultural, social, and environmental – that provide meaning to a location. Sense of place is what makes one city or town different from another, but sense of place is also what makes our physical surroundings worth caring about.”
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Design Principles: While zoning primarily establishes the shape and use of new development, much of the character from development is in its architecture (although the zoning ordinance provides design details regarding development in the Village Center). Commercial and multi-unit residential new construction, exterior remodels, and certain other projects require an Appearance Review Certificate from the Village’s Appearance Review Commission, based on sixteen standards in the zoning ordinance. This approach has served the Village well. An additional step could be to develop a full set of Design Principles for multiple-unit residential and commercial buildings. Not regulatory or prescriptive, these can allow for flexibility but also provide a more detailed and graphic presentation of design expectations to developers. Design Principles would not identify any specific architectural style, but rather could convey desired character, provide guidelines for ensuring development is respectful of existing buildings and context, and communicate Village design goals in greater detail.
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While specifics may vary, being true to the vision is the ultimate value of any plan. In evaluating the 2011 Village Center Master Plan as part of this planning process, its intent and recommendations were found to be in keeping with the 2023 vision for the future defined by the Wilmette community. The 2011 Village Center Master Plan is adopted by reference as part of this comprehensive plan.
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Business Districts Objectives
Develop design guidelines for commercial districts that encourage building elements (i.e. massing and proportion, building rhythm, setbacks, façade features, etc.) that are consistent with the character of the surrounding area.
Reuse (or redevelopment) should be sensitive to the character of the surrounding area and community sentiment, and should result in acceptable levels of environmental, traffic, fiscal and public service impact.
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Continuing to involve the community in development review processes is important. Community support and trust early in the development process can foster partnerships with developers and collaboration with stakeholders, leading to more desirable and successful projects.
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Opportunities and Recommendations for Green Bay Road
1. Zoning: To support options for redevelopment to be in keeping with this plan, the Village can review allowing increased height up to four stories (45 feet with step back of height adjacent to residential uses) in the GC-1 Zoning district to encourage and support redevelopment with mixed-use projects. Notwithstanding the desire to further goals and objectives of this plan, the Village must ensure that any infrastructure limitations are identified and addressed while reviewing redevelopment opportunities.
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For over 100 years, the comprehensive plan has served as Wilmette’s land use roadmap. Past comprehensive plans have emphasized the defining features of the Village and its land use composition: the largely residential character, lined streets, historically significant homes, lakefront location, and charming commercial districts.
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It is a goal of the Village to develop the Village Center while maintaining its character. The recent establishment of the Village Center as a National Register Historic District designation helps preserve historic structures at the core of Village Center while new development on the Chase Bank and Union Pacific lots present opportunities for transformative redevelopment and options for green space and other public benefits not possible elsewhere in Village Center. The area is zoned for 4-5 stories, though the Village is willing to entertain proposals in excess of 5 stories if design characteristics take the character of surrounding properties and public benefit warrant the increase in height.
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Objectives for the Village Center
Preserve architectural characteristics of the Village Center.
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Opportunities and Recommendations for the Village Center
The Village Center has been thoughtfully planned under a plan adopted in 2011. The directions and recommendations of that effort remain appropriate for this comprehensive plan update.
Appendix – Snapshot of Wilmette
desires to preserve history and quality of place.